There is more to a pond than you might think!  

In this hands-on program students will use aquatic dip nets to identify many of the inhabitants of Armand Bayou Nature Center's ponds. Extended program participants will also visit with a live animal ambassador and may enjoy games or other related activities.

Grades K - 12th

Group Minimum 10

Duration 2 Hours Fee $15.00/participant (children and adults)

Extended Program Duration 2.5-3 hours Fee $20/participant (children and adults)




Students will:

  • Observe and describe ponds ecosystems.

  • Use tools to collect, observe, analyze and identify characteristics of pond animals.


  • Pond - A depression in the ground that is filled with water by precipitation or runoff (also called a lenthic or standing water system)

  • Vertebrate - an animal with a backbone

  • Invertebrate - an animal without a backbone

  • Macroinvertebrate - an animal without a backbone that is big enough to see with the naked eye (without a microscope)

  • Ecosystem - An ecosystem is a complex, dynamic system that functions as a whole. An ecosystem is a natural unit and its size can be as small as a drop of water or as large as the Earth. Ecosystems consist of the interactions between organisms and between organisms and physical components, in which materials are exchanged following closed paths.

  • Abiotic – non-living or physical components such as light, temperature, water, rocks, etc.

  • Biotic - living things

  • Producers – plants, algae, phytoplankton or bacteria the make their own food from the sun or chemical sources (vents ocean floor where there is no light)

  • Consumers – Organisms that eat other organisms or organic matter

  • Decomposers – Organisms that convert dead organic material into inorganic material, nature’s recyclers

  • Diversity – variety of species in a given area

  • Life cycle – life history of an organism, including growth, development, aging, and death

  • Metamorphosis – The way that amphibians and insects develop, grow and change

Programs are adjusted to be age appropriate. All programs address the Science TEKS goal of engaging students in hands-on investigations of the natural world.

For specific, grade-level TEKS that may be included in our programs, see our Science TEKS chart below. 

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Please see the group field trips for more information about scheduling a field trip